Sunday, October 2, 2011


i'm fumbling for words to say about words i want to say. 
i'm happy, but sad, and sad but happy.
my sister is getting married this week.
my world is being turned upside down,
and she's moving out of the house.
my best friend, is moving out of my house.
she is marrying a man, a wonderful man.
but i can't help my crying.
our childhood falls further away with each passing day.
the days of repeated sunshine and laughter.
dancing and making old home videos.
our bedroom, bunk-beds stacked, and unstacked.
our faces growing more similar every hour.
the places we went and the people we saw, together.
the dreams we dreamed.
the nights we cried together.
the things we laughed at together.
the songs we sang together. 
the heartbreak and love and heartbreak from love, together.
the days we spent together.
so much of our lives have been spent together.
and now much of it will be spent apart. 
it is so strange to me.
but we will both grow.
as we always do.
i love my dear sister, and am so happy for her.



  1. This made me cry. I love you, and I know EXACTLY what you're feeling right now. But before you know it, your family will get bigger and bigger and you'll love them even more than you thought you could before.

  2. i love you hunts! you are so cute! but bayley is RIGHT, your family is going to get bigger and you'll love them so much! just enjoy it as much as you can! plus, hannah will always be there for you even if she's married! you are her best friend (:
